Thursday, February 24, 2011


...because film cameras deserve a decent home. A store needs a decent domain. So... finally!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Back to running today! Wore my new favorite running shirt. This is really the only piece of Leica that I could currently afford. Hopefully someday I could purchase my own Leica M series... but for now, let me just enjoy running with the red dot.

RUNNING ROUTE by Sports-Tracker

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yoga for Runners

I have an old Yoga mat at home that has been unused since purchase... and this was back in '09! It has finally been put to the test this morning for a little runner's stretch. The videos I got, called 'Yoga for Runners' is designed for the leg muscles and to release tension around the shoulders. It includes the breathing technique for improved running time as well.

But I guess I've totally forgotten about how my mat would turn out because I was the one who has been definitely put the test. I began by trying out the easy 8 to 10 minute Yoga workouts for the ham strings. Then moved on to the 20 minute workout, which I could not finish at all! But my flexibility has improved a lot, definitely. With more sessions, I would be able to do this more comfortably.

I feel great! Really lookin' forward to be running again tomorrow! =)

Some sample Yoga for Runners can be found here:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Here are the happy medalists after the Condura Skyway Run =)

I ranked no. 791 out of 2,795 Runners for the 10K category, finishing at 01:15:41

Very happy with the results although I know I can still push it. I'm doin another 10K run on March 6. I'll just remind myself to dig deep. =)

Friday, February 4, 2011

"Yeah, it just got old. I'm well over you. It's like... liberating. Yeah. Finito."

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mmmm... Veggie.

My first veggie burger. HOMEMADE! The patty is 80% black beans, the rest are bell peppers and spices and it's surprisingly quite good. It's the best you can get out of a veggie burger. Texture is thick and a bit spicy and goes very well with lots of tomatoes and onion. I also just discovered that it goes very well with peperoncini. Really yummmy. =)

Took one lazy weekend up to Baguio with my Mom. We probably had the most terrible hotel in the city, but all in all it was quite fun. I love traveling with her, she's usually just up for anything. She makes the perfect travel companion, just do not make her walk too much. Hehe. Love you, Mom!